
Depression: A Mental Health Minute

I have been having medication issues, related to our move last year! Finding a new doctor took a while, especially since it’s been one medical issue after another for our household. I ended up running out, and having to start all over with my meds…

But here I am, again! I know it’s been a minute. I’m sorry for that!

Still making my way on this journey we call life…

life Perseverance

A Broken Bone, Then Surgery: I’m Fine Tho

So hi y’all, I know it’s been a while… Sorry! I broke my left wrist and had to have surgery, to get a plate and pins inserted… Then had complication after complication! I’m going to try and get back on this blog thing, just wanted you to know why I disappeared! I’m finally out of my cast, and doing physical therapy…

Frugal Ideas

Couponing: How to Create a Stockpile

So today I’m gonna share with you how we survive the winter or times like this. I coupon, not on an extreme basis. But still, when we have extra money… I buy coupons, then I buy extras of the necessary items; like toothpaste, deoderant, laundry detergent, soap, shampoo and conditioner, feminine hygiene products. Then I store them in shelves that are in my closet and laundry room.

I also utilize several receipt apps to get me gift cards for items I already bought. Some of the ones I use are Fetch Rewards, Shop Kicks, and Receipt Pal. All of which are available on Google Play…


Living Life: Full of Chaos

So it’s been a crazy few weeks for us. Chaos consisted of moving, starting a new job, two kids, and a house to set up! I’ve been working a whole lot here lately… So sorry for my absence! I’ve been wicked busy, yet here I am…. Back again! To say hello and give you my best advice through all this craziness that is called life…. So here’s me, living this one life full of utter chaos!

Don’t discount your own feelings… Ever!!! I know sometimes that life is hard, and it stinks so bad. But nothing worth doing is ever easy!


Finding Solace, then Peace

Ever been so lost in grief or anxiety, and needing help finding peace and comfort? The definition of solace via Merriam-Webster is (noun) 1comfort in grief alleviation of grief or anxiety, 2a source of relief or consolation. Finding peace is often hard for most people, but the old saying of “Let it Go” is easier said than done. Sometimes you find peace in many different forms; whether it’s from friends, or family, or a hobby. You must let it go and move forward, because focusing on the negativity/anxiety/grief will do you no good except cause more anxiety and grief…


Good Times vs Bad Times

Ever been so down in the dumps, going through lifes trials and tribulations, that you never thought the good times would come? I’ve been there recently, and I’m here to tell you… There might not be a light at the end of the tunnel, not yet anyways. But that light will shine on you again, one day! You just gotta believe and keep moving forward. Inch by inch, day by day! Bad days are not the end of the world…But that light will come when you least expect it. This is your journey, sometimes you gotta grab it with both hands and just hold on…

The Storms Don’t Last Forever

Kids & Small Victories

I can’t say it’s been all victories for us lately. As I sit here, broke and without a whole lot of necessities… But at least I can say we are not homeless anymore! We’ve been blessed exponentially with many small victories these past couple weeks. Not so long ago, I didn’t even see the light at the end of my own tunnel… But those lil smiling faces looking up at me, telling me everything was gonna be ok. That’s what kept me going! Kids, they’re hard… But they can also be a real life saver!


Hello Y’all

Hi, my name’s Miranda. And I’m attempting to do this blog stuff yet again. So I just wanted to say hey, and let y’all know why I’m here.

I’m a diagnosed mental health patient. I’m a mom to two boys, and this blog will serve as a home base for self transformation and motivation…

I’ll be sharing with you our journey through life, our adventures, our trials and tribulations, motivational posts with quotes and lists, and pretty much anything that could help anyone get through a tough time.


The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
